The weekend mask making, breath and movement gathering that I'm co facilitating with my friend Cass Phelps ~ check his work out @ ~ is coming up soon~ the weekend of july the 9th~ and so I wanted to take the time to invite you in a more personal way to come and participate, and also share a little more about what an amazing process this type of expressive art experience has been for me and might be for you too. The event offers wellness, play, empowerment , self expression, awakening and self actualization through art , ritual and authentic movement in a space that will be held with deep love and reverence for your process and for the birthing of a new vision of yourself.
"Elaine helps us to reveal our deepest selves, open new heart and soul conduits, create amazing gorgeous artful objects and reminds us all that being in the world is an experience of wonder.Every time we embark with Elaine on a new project or energetic pathway, it is always joyous, creative , loving and powerful."
C M Artist
Masks have been used by shamans of indigenous cultures as a way to obtain and receive wisdom, protection, guidance and healing from the spirit world and to enter into relationship with the great mystery . As well as to celebrate rites of passage. Creating your own life mask is a powerful transformative process that works on you and with you long after you have completed the piece. The process itself is fun and tactile and feels very much like an adventure as you go under the plaster to create the form from your face and then paint and decorate it from a treasure chest of interesting and meaningful goodies.
"I love to share one of my favorite aspects about Elaine and her workshops that I thoroughly respect and appreciate which is the way she holds space. There were many times during our projects that I would hit an edge, sometimes known and sometimes unknown trying to sneak by . Elaine's keen eye would always see it coming and was right there by my side offering her powerful and magical ways . She has a way of relating to what is coming up by inviting us to be with it , pause , to listen and then from there support movement. I am deeply grateful for her and her offerings and always look forward to the next creation she will offer."
L. M valley village.
The mask that you create in this play shop is a mask that reveals rather than hides . It is the face of your deep self ~ your true self . Your divine identity and the person you came into the world to be . We will be weaving movement , breath and meditation throughout to guide you deeper into relationship with your Inner being . As well as inviting participants to embody and activate the sprit of their mask through dance and spoken word and to create a personal awakening ritual together.
"Elaine has a brilliant way of tapping into her own and others personal process and using that as a way to help others express themselves in a powerful and strong way . Her creativity and ability to tap into the unconscious allows for personal self expression through words and with materials thats allows one to create magic."
F.K MFT venice ca
We gladly offer a permissive and supportive space where each person is encouraged to travel at their own pace and participate in ways that feel loving and nurturing . WE are gathering together to play , create and witness as a gift to ourselves and to each other .
Participation times are friday ~ 7-10 pm ~ drop in , movement and then creating the mask foundation.
Saturday 12-7 pm MOvement ~ mask journey ~ bringing the mask to life through paint , color and symbolism. Pm sunday 10 -3 pm movement ~ ritual ~closing ceremony.
location ~ culver city.
Energy exchange ~ $295. materials included.
Please contact me by email or @818 462 3291 if you feel called to join us . I also offer one on one journeys into self and self expression through this and other transformational process art forms.
Thank you in advance for the time you took to consider our offering here . We very much hope that you join us in this fun and loving adventure into soul to collectively receive and actualize our divine light love, and power in this way . Now is the time !
~ magical Art ~ Shamanic Art ~ Process Art ~
My journey with expressive arts began in ernest about 18 years ago when I read a book called "Shakti Woman" by vickie Noble. The creator of the mother peace tarot deck , which is a beautiful life affirming woman positive oracle. The book itself lit a fire in me around the magical and healing possibilities of art . At the time I hadn't even heard of shamanic art, process painting or mask making . Nor had I heard of any of the pioneers in the field of art as medicine such as Shaun Mcniff . I was led to that information later as my path unfolded.
At the time , I was not only waking up to my artistic urges but also to my own cultural lineage of magic . I was studying the Goddess religions and how to co create with the elements and the forces of nature to help heal and move energy . I was understanding and remembering a very deep and old connection to the natural world, and I was feeling my own indigenous roots reconnecting with the great mother whilst discovering what my personal medicine was for the world.
THis was long before the internet had made finding anything in the world as easy as typing in a few key words. SO I had to "put it out there " old school for a while before I found an expressive arts therapy training which included mask making as one of the areas of experiential study . The mask still remains for me a powerful and life changing process.
Since then I've made countless masks, taught workshops and guided others through this and other forms of magical art. Process art has become a large part of my path to wellness and sustainability and each encounter takes me a step further into my center , helping me to live from greater truth and be in support of my and others true nature. My masks in particular seem to be mirrors of a deeper more authentic part of me that can sometimes get covered up or compromised. As such They've also held sacred space for me, and acted as guides , anchors or bridges as I've shed what needed to be released in order to actualize each step in my personal evolution towards greater self love and self acceptance .
This type of art making is magical because it's a form of alchemy ~ turning the energy within into form which catalyses change . Its a physical embodiment of our own personal light codes. Its shamanic because it invites transformation and healing and acts as a bridge between our inner and outer worlds. And its process art because it helps to expand our personal awareness and consciousness, with an end product being the result of a rich and compelling journey rather than the goal. With this kind of art we are diving within to catch a glimpse of our inner world ,creating new pathways for information to be exchanged between our deep selves and our daily doing selves. We are giving our soul another way to talk to us through symbols and colors in ways we don't understand at first nor even need to , but that nourishes us and sustains us as we move through the world from a more centered , creative, empowered and loving place.
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